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Start Walking In Your Miracle NOW!


“For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly
{and} longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing,
the disclosing of their sonship]” Romans 8:19 AMPC

Are you expecting a miracle in your body, finances, or
academics? If you are, then I have a very important message from the Lord for
you today. When the Lord Jesus was given the scriptures to read, He didn’t read
them like every other person. The confidence and authority with which He read
the scriptures arrested the people’s attention, such that all eyes were
fastened on Him. They had been accustomed to the scriptures being read as you
would a promissory note because they were still living in the day of
expectation. But Jesus read the scriptures as the One anointed to fulfill them.
He introduced them to the dawning of a new day; the day of manifestation.

We (Christians) are not living in the day of expectation, for
we were born to manifest the glory and nature of our heavenly Father. In the
tenth chapter of Acts, the Bible tells us about Cornelius, a devout man. He
prayed everyday with an expectation that God would visit him, and that prayer
was answered when Peter showed up at his home. Peter didn’t just sit there
expecting God to do something; rather, he preached God’s Word and the Holy
Spirit came upon Cornelius and his entire household as he preached. Peter
manifested the true character of the sons of God.

The Bible says, “For surely there is a latter end [a future
and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off” (Proverbs
23:18 AMPC). In other words, whatever your expectation is, it’s as good as
done. The days of expectation have birthed the days of manifestation. You can
just walk into the manifestation of your expectation. We were born into the day
of the manifestation; the day of receiving anything we desire from God by
faith. Therefore, stop expecting a miracle and start walking in your miracle.

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