Home Pray with Pastor Chris Prayer At 12noon And 10pm (Local/GMT) – Mon Jan 6

Prayer At 12noon And 10pm (Local/GMT) – Mon Jan 6


Our January Global Communion Service held yesterday, and we
were mightily blessed, as we shared more on the message of the year 2020, our
’Year of Perfection’. See highlights on Loveworld news at

Earlier in the day we had the Prayer Festival with those in
the Lagos region in Nigeria. It was a marvelous time of fellowship, and I thank
specially all our Pastors and Leaders in the region who worked hard to make it
possible. God bless you.

Our 1 Year Global Pray-A-Thon begins from 12noon GMT today,
January 6, 2020 and will run throughout this year till January 6, 2021,
Hallelujah! Isn’t that wonderful? We’re set to effect changes in the world
through heartfelt effectual fervent prayers.

 As we mentioned
yesterday, the program will run on a schedule at zonal and cell ministry level,
so get information on when your group would be leading prayers globally from
your Church Pastor. Make sure you are vitally involved in this glorious
opportunity to fulfill your priestly ministry as a Christian. Don’t be left

Our regular prayer times of 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT) on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will continue for everyone, nonetheless. Thus,
today, with tongues of the Spirit, we’ll intercede fervidly for the salvation
of the unconverted around the world, that the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ would shine in their hearts, as we preach the gospel everywhere; and
they’ll be translated from the kingdom of darkness to light and from the power
of satan unto God.

 You can join the live
stream of the Global Pray-A-Thon right here on the Pastor Chris Live Super
User, so even when your group isn’t praying, and outside our weekly regular
prayer times, take out at least 15min anytime of each day this week to join in
global prayers. God bless you.

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