Home Blog He’s Your Salvation, Healing …And Strength!

He’s Your Salvation, Healing …And Strength!


The LORD is
my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my
life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1).

Christians know Jesus Christ as their SAVIOUR, which is wonderful, but knowing
Him as your SALVATION will completely revolutionize your life and take your
walk with Him to a whole new level. Observe the words of David in our opening
verse; he said, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I
fear?” As your saviour, you’re hoping that He will “deliver” you
from something, perhaps, your enemies; but as your salvation, you transcend
that arena where he rescues you from danger or difficulty; you lose your fears,
because you’re in Him.

Psalm 27:2
further shows the result of the Lord being your salvation. It says, “When
the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh,
they stumbled and fell.” The Christian isn’t one who needs to be delivered
from anything; you don’t need to be bothered about your adversaries. When they
come out against you, they’ll stumble and fall, because the Lord is your
salvation. He’s your Rock of defence; your protection. Halleluiah! This is
different from you asking Him to protect you.

This was
what He wanted Israel to see and know so they could relate to Him as such, but
they couldn’t. As a result, He brought the revelations to them in bits and
pieces. For example, in Exodus 15:26 He said, “…I am the LORD that
healeth thee”; beautiful revelation! It means you can receive healing
anytime because He’s the God that heals. This, however, is for the babe in
Christ. Discover Him, not as your healer, but as your healing. When you do,
you’ll realize that you’re no longer in need of healing because He’s your
health, just as He’s your wisdom, your love, your ability, and your strength.

When you
have Him, you have it all. When Thomas, one of the disciples, said to Him,
“Lord, show us the way,” the Master, unequivocally replied, “I
am the way…” (John 14:6). Jesus Christ doesn’t show you the way, He’s the
way. When you find Him, you arrive; your search ends, because He’s the totality
of divinity.

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