Home Atmosphere For Miracles Atmosphere for Miracles Special – Episode 17

Atmosphere for Miracles Special – Episode 17


When Jesus walked this earth, the Bible records that great multitudes followed him. He was most times in the company of multitudes who had come from far and near and they all sought to touch him; they came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. They were all healed, according to the scriptures, because power was coming from him and healing them all (Luke 6: 17-19)

Jesus Christ is still healing many today. His anointing is always manifest in meetings with the man of God, Pastor Chris where countless many receive that touch proceeding from the atmosphere stirred from the praise, worship and teaching of the word.

The anointing is present and available to you right now as you participate in the video featured herein. Be sure to leave a comment as you are blessed. God bless you.

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