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A Necessity For Spiritual Growth


That we
henceforth be no more children…But speaking the truth in love, may grow up
into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ (Ephesians 4:14-15).

As a
Christian, something very important you need to understand is that Jesus Christ
is not only alive today, but He’s also with us through the Holy Spirit, and
cares affectionately for us. Moreover, He wants us to take His message to the
ends of the earth. That’s what our life is about: taking His message to those
who are yet to know Him. We’re a light to a world in darkness. However, in our
journey of winning souls and changing lives, there’s a necessity for spiritual
growth; we must keep growing in the Word, and consciously enhance our
fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

It’s not
enough to be born again; there’s so much more in God to enjoy. How much liberty
of the Spirit that you’ll enjoy depends on the spiritual knowledge of God’s
Word that you have. His blessings that you’ll enjoy in your life depend on the
knowledge of Him that you have in your spirit. The less knowledge you have, the
less blessings and joy of the Spirit that will flow through you.

This is
important because the knowledge of God’s Word is what puts you over in life.
The Bible says through knowledge shall the just be delivered, not just from
trouble, but also into their inheritance (Proverbs 11:9). Through the knowledge
of God’s Word, you’re able to exercise dominion and control over circumstances.

In addition,
through the growth that you experience by being in fellowship with the Holy
Spirit, you’re constantly being lifted over and above the corrupting influences
of this world. When men are cast down because of their experiences, you have
another message: There’s lifting up (Job 22:29)!

Never allow
the challenges you face overwhelm you. Whatever challenges you might be facing
today are what you’ve been built, prepared and fashioned for. None of us is
given more than he or she can handle: “…God is faithful, who will not
suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able…” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Rather than focus on the trouble, act on the Word, and you’ll surely have a

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