Rhapsody of Realities presents -The 1st of it’s kind, a 2 in 1 Global Conference, the Rhapsody Online Partners and Prayer Conference happening live for 24 hours from Friday April 8th, 6pm GMT+1 to Saturday, April 9th 2022.
Register now on prayer.rhapsodyofrealities.org, www.reachoutworld.org, rhapsodiofrealities.org and all Rhapsody Networks to Watch Live and participate.
Let’s pray, partner and penetrate with truth with the distribution of the print copies of Rhapsody of Realities as we reach out to the qorld in every nation, every city, every street and every houseHold. It’s a global reach using the Messenger Angel.
Reaching our 7 billion goal for this ministry year can be achieved. Be ready to have a great time with God! Don’t miss it!