Hold On To The Word
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day
dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19).
As God’s children, we’re not trying to win in life; whatever trouble comes to us isn’t “Live”; we’re only acting out a script. In that script, it’s written that you won. You’re only going to have a problem if you don’t follow the script. The script is God’s Word.
It doesn’t matter what comes at you when you follow the script—the Word—you’d boldly declare, “Nay, in all these things I’m more than a conqueror!” You’ll always be unmoved. Why? You already have the sure word of prophecy that no matter your experiences, the Word is more dependable!
Read our theme verse again; it reveals the secret of keeping afloat, the secret of winning continually, growing always and ever making progress. No matter who you are, no matter what your experiences may have been, it says, “Take heed to the Word of God as a light that shines in a dark place.”
Let’s suppose you’re currently in a dark place in your life and your experiences are so terrible; everything seems to be completely against your knowledge of the Word of God. You’re praying and it’s like nothing is changing; God says, “Look at that word of prophecy which may be like a flicker of light, and hold on to it! Hang in there, unwavering, until
the day dawns, and the day-star arises in your heart.” Hallelujah!
As you hold on to the Word, you’d hear the voice of the Spirit telling you, “Relax, everything is all right.” Hallelujah! In that seemingly dark place, God’s Word is there; the challenge came to pass. Therefore, refuse to give up or be dismayed.
I have a more sure word of prophecy with which I make war and subdue circumstances. I’m unperturbed by the circumstances of life because I have the secret of keeping afloat; the secret of continually winning, growing always, making progress and never going down. Whatever comes against me, the Word is my confidence and advantage. Hallelujah!
Matthew 24:35; Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Acts 15:1-21 & Esther 1-4
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 732 Corinthians 11:1-9 & Isaiah 19