Home Ministry News June “The Month of Prayer And Unending Praise”

June “The Month of Prayer And Unending Praise”


Welcome to the month of June, our month of prayer and Unending Praise. We’re stepping into a higher and more glorious arena of life and ministry to the Lord. We’re thankful for what the Lord is about to do with us and around the world.

Throughout this month we would have different prayer meetings organized at the Zonal and Church levels; you can obtain more information from your church. But at our prayer times of 12noon and 10 pm, we would have a full hour session and a 15min session respectively. That is, 1hr at 12noon and 15min at 10 pm daily. You could also have it the other way, and pray 15min at 12noon and 1hr at 10 pm if this is more convenient.

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